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Grayling gannet............

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Had an invite last night to cast a line on a stretch of a Barnsley trout river,apparently some EU urban regeneration scheme directive wanted the fish removed and the pristine waters silted up with Morrison-trolleys,bike-frames,and old sodden mattresses,local ASBO youths requested the water be restocked with pirhanas and great-whites as watercress stream grayling and brown trout were far to effeminate for Barnsleys mucho-macho image :kiss:

Barnsleyites of my aquaintance normally fish with dynamite or jump leads wired direct into the local sub-station,saves electricity or gas and having to cook the fish later,we southerners are more delicate,or as Leegreen says "Intimate"(in his dreams :kiss: :yes: )so we opted for 50lb uglysticks and shimanos the size of lager-kegs,its quite hard casting a nymph with elegance using such equipment but we persevered and soon had the technique perfected :victory:

'Tinternet is indeed a wonderful research-weapon,the worlds greatest library and knowledge-base in the comfort of your own home,and I had researched this particular water well,peak-season a two-person beat is £500,thats not to buy,thats just to fish :icon_eek: I resolved to pay my customary quid,but JOE rationalised that once the goodly Barnsley inhabitants realised a fine southern gentleman such as myself was in town flaunting such wealth I would be a target and rich-pickings for every vagabond and ne'er-do-well attracted by my golden coin of the realm,so I flipped a verdigris penny into the river instead,any reports this weekend of mass-suicidal drownings is probably directly attributable to the fact people now know beneath the rippling surface lies wealth beyond their wildest imagination,the stuff dreams are made of,a whole new-penny :icon_eek:8)

Fishing was great,bite followed bite,almost too easy to be frank,we fished for close to an hour and a half,probably 55-60 assorted grayling and brown trout,superb fish,also caught four random eels in a short stretch,and the final fish was a decent sized Chub,Pics to follow when lazy-bollocks wakes up :D

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I enjoyed it don,except when a fishing-platform "Collapsed"under joe and he steadied "himself" and saved "himself"(spot the theme?) from a drenching by pushing me into the water :icon_eek: Disregard the sign,we did :whistling:


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I enjoyed it don,except when a fishing-platform "Collapsed"under joe and he steadied "himself" and saved "himself"(spot the theme?) from a drenching by pushing me into the water :icon_eek: Disregard the sign,we did :whistling:


There is something not right about the "syrup" M, proper puts the willies up me it does :icon_eek:

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No more rainbows for me for a while mate,finished chasing them,till next week anyway when we are once again fishing the land of the flint,I just had loads of ear-ache earlier because the freezers are packed,empty is the time for hassle,not full I think?


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"Willies up you" Chess :icon_eek: and theres me thinking its only LG who likes those sort of intimacies :whistling:

I always wanted to be a strawberry-blond Don,sadly its not natural :kiss: Watch out for TRANNIES GO TROUTING :kiss:


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I just emptied a plate of potato gratin Don or I would have tried one tonight in garlic-butter,maybe tommorrow :thumbs: If they taste as good as chalk-stream trout I will kick myself because we released a load last night :blink:


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Like I said,theres a few in the freezer,I can always return if they are palatable,though it is £500 for the beat so might have to save my pennies :whistling: I have been trying to get a polish friend to register an account,he went fishing polish-style :icon_eek: the other night,even took a wheelbarrow(I shit you not)to carry home the catch,his haul was 80 rainbow approx 5-6 lbs each in two hours :laugh:

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Nice one son nice to here you put some back, those Grayling were concidered as a pest many moons ago, do they taste nice? I've yet to try one and oh thanks for the shout out :shout: :good: .

Thanks dad :angel: I released all the last lot we caught LG,I have a dozen in the freezer,never tried them before,maybe tommorrow?You should have came out,we rented the whole beat,you could have used my rod :thumbs: I am sure you would have found the whole experience very enlightening :laugh:

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Like I said,theres a few in the freezer,I can always return if they are palatable,though it is £500 for the beat so might have to save my pennies :whistling: I have been trying to get a polish friend to register an account,he went fishing polish-style :icon_eek: the other night,even took a wheelbarrow(I shit you not)to carry home the catch,his haul was 80 rainbow approx 5-6 lbs each in two hours :laugh:

f**k me i think i need to learn some of that polish technique. you wanna let on? :gunsmilie:

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